The Global Leadership Summit is not just an event to attend, it’s a resource to be leveraged. That’s a phrase that inspired me several years ago after over 10 years of participating in the GLS both locally and globally, but I will have to admit it has moved from an idea to a conviction in recent years.
There are events and conferences that come across my desk every week and while I love to participate, I often have to make a choice. Because the resources of time and money are finite, I pick and choose the events that I attend. Bottom line…there’s a surplus of events and a shortage of resources. Resources add value to the receiver. When it comes to this annual two day experience called the Global Leadership Summit in our city it’s not who do I can get to attend, but who do I want to add value to.
So what makes the Global Leadership Summit a resource?
- Fresh, actionable leadership content. I love to learn and frankly it’s my perspective that most people want to improve their leadership, increase their influence and are looking to learn fresh ideas. And not only do we all desire to learn those new ideas that will impact our circles of influence, we want something we can apply today. There are more resources available than ever, but sorting through the vast depth of speakers, writers and content is an insurmountable task. For over 20 years the WCA team has been scanning the horizon every year for speakers that can deliver fresh, actionable leadership content. It’s not unusual for them to look at over 200 speakers to bring a dozen presenters to speak at GLS. GLS bring some of the best and latest leadership ideas, but even more importantly they are ideas that you can apply in you’re world today.
- A world class faculty. The GLS is delivered by a faculty. And while you will be inspired and motivated to impact your areas of influence, the GLS is a learning environment. It is a faculty made up of thought leaders, pastors, business leaders and authors that will deliver very specific ideas that you will want to take down in notes and discuss with your team in the days that follow. And while you will recognize some of the names in the promotion of the GLS, our experience tells us that often some of the most profound ideas have been delivered by unrecognized names of communicators that have spent years in research and development of leadership content. The GLS brings to you a world class faculty that has been selected from the top of their fields of expertise.
- Applicable across all sectors-While there are lots of opportunities for business leaders, non profit leaders and church leaders to attend conference that apply specifically to their sector, GLS crossed all sectors. At the heart of GLS is the idea that business leaders can learn from church leaders and church leaders can learn from business leaders and nonprofit leaders can learn from government leaders and every sector and learn with and from every other sector. There is rarely an opportunity where business, church, nonprofit, government and educational leaders sit beside each other in the same room with one objective… to get better. It’s what city movements are made out of when leaders sit together and network in learning environments.
- 450,000+ influencers in 125 countries-The GLS is a movement. When we are gathering with all sectors of leaders in our community to learn from this world class faculty of the GLS, it is significant to remember that there are thousands joining us around the globe. What’s the value of improving leaders in your organization? What about several hundred leaders in your city? What is the value of improving the skills of 400,000 leaders in 125 countries? To be a part of the GLS is to b
e a part of a world wide movement that has has ripple effects across cites and countries.
- Available in 1300+ local venues-Recently I heard a city leader from our community say that it is not uncommon to spend thousands to travel and experience the caliber of speakers that are represented by the GLS faculty. He said “why wouldn’t we go to a local venue, pay a fraction of the price, sit beside friends and coworkers from our city and then go home and enjoy our own bed”. World class faculty in over 1300 local venues not only brings the content to you, but also affordably allows you to connect far more leaders from your business, church or nonprofit organization. The organizations that get the greatest impact from GLS, bring teams.
If you have a need for another resource, add the the GLS to your calendar. But wait, you need to add this resource to the calendar of your entire organization. What I can assure you from experience is that the Monday morning after the GLS there will be fresh conversations and ideas that will flow through your office and among your team.
Don’t miss it.