Bob Seymore

Helping to build capacity in people, organizations and communities

The Reality of Influence

One of the most interesting perspectives of growing older is looking back and recognizing those times in your life when you seized opportunities and those times when you let opportunities pass you by. And what I am realizing is that most of those opportunities come because of this whole idea called influence. A dictionary definition of the word influence says: the capacity or power of persons or things to be a […]

GLS-Own it’s!

The Global Leadership Summit is a two-day event that is broadcast LIVE from the Willow Creek Community Church campus near Chicago every August to more than 600+ locations in North America. Then throughout the fall, GLS events take place globally in an additional 1300+ global sites in 125 countries and is translated into 60 languages. Every year the team at Willow assembles a world class faculty including speakers from business, […]

Never confuse limited resources with limited capacity

Never confuse limited resources with limited capacity…that idea continued to resonate with our team as we participated in Global Leadership Summit sites in the country of Myanmar just a few weeks ago. It all began in Myanmar in 2009 when a team from WCA, Singapore and Evansville Indiana worked in collaboration to launch the first GLS in a Yangon church for a passionate group of 350 Burmese pastors and leaders. […]